Chapter 9 Outline

How Active Animals Are Studied

  • BOX 9.1 The Cost of Carrying Massive Loads

The Energy Costs of Defined Exercise

  • The most advantageous speed depends on the function of exercise
  • The minimum cost of transport depends in regular ways on mode of locomotion and body size

The Maximum Rate of Oxygen Consumption

  • BOX 9.2 Finding Power for Human-Powered Aircraft
  • V•O2max differs among phyletic groups and often from species to species within a phyletic group
  • V•O2max varies among individuals within a species
  • V•O2max responds to training and selection

The Energetics of Routine and Extreme Daily Life

Long-Distance Migration

  • BOX 9.3 Eel Migration and Energetics: A 2300-Year Detective Story

Ecological Energetics

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