Chapter 3 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. Icefish were once commonly called "bloodless fish" because of

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. One unique feature of the icefish is that they

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. Which statement about icefish is true?

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. When researchers analyzed the DNA of icefish, they found that the

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. The hearts of icefish

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. Which statement regarding icefish evolution is true?

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. Compared to red-blooded fish of the same size, icefish have

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. Genome sequencing is a technique in which

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. The process of adding human interpretation to computer-generated genetic comparisons is called

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. The overarching goal of genomics is to elucidate the _______ of genes and genomes.

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. The set of genes that encode for vertebrate globin proteins can be termed a

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. Which observation resulted from the sea urchin gene family analysis?

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. Which sequence of analysis represents the top-down order of study?

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. A comparison of the proteins produced in an animal's muscle tissue before and after exercise is an example of

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. The study of which genes are being transcribed to make messenger RNA and the rates at which they are transcribed is called

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. In one study, researchers found that after 4–8 hours after exercise the mRNAs of _______ genes were found to have increased.

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. Which technique is not used in a standard DNA microarray?

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. An experimental manipulation in which animals come to lack functional copies of a gene is called

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. Which statement regarding proteomics is false?

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. The study of all of the organic compounds in cells and tissues other than macromolecules coded by the genome is called

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