Chapter 24 Summary


The Chemical Properties and Distributions of the Respiratory Pigments

  • The four chemical classes of respiratory pigments are all metalloproteins. They bind reversibly with O2 at specific O2-binding sites associated with the metal atoms in their molecular structures.
  • In hemoglobins, the unit molecule consists of heme bonded with protein (globin). The heme structure—an iron (ferrous) porphyrin—is identical in all hemoglobins. The globin, however, varies widely among species and among different molecular forms of hemoglobin within any single species.
  • Hemoglobins are the most common and widespread respiratory pigments, occurring in at least nine phyla. Virtually all vertebrates have blood hemoglobin. The blood-hemoglobin molecules of vertebrates are usually tetramers consisting (in adults) of two α-globin and two β-globin unit molecules; they always occur in red blood cells. Although many invertebrates also have hemoglobins in blood cells, some invertebrates have hemoglobins dissolved in their blood plasma.
  • Hemocyanins are the second most common of the respiratory pigments in animals. They contain copper and turn bright blue when oxygenated. There are two types of hemocyanins, which are of separate evolutionary origin: arthropod hemocyanins (occurring in crabs, lobsters, crayfish, horseshoe crabs, spiders, and some other arthropods) and mollusc hemocyanins (occurring in squids, octopuses, many snails, and some other molluscs). Hemocyanins are always dissolved in the blood plasma.
  • Chlorocruorins, which are similar to hemoglobins, occur in only four families of marine annelid worms, and are always dissolved in the blood plasma.
  • Hemerythrins are non-heme, iron-containing respiratory pigments that have a limited and scattered distribution, occurring in three or four different invertebrate phyla.

The O2-Binding Characteristics of Respiratory Pigments

  • The oxygen equilibrium curve of a respiratory pigment, which shows the relation between the extent of O2 binding by the pigment and the O2 partial pressure, is a key tool for interpreting respiratory-pigment function. The shape of the oxygen equilibrium curve depends on the degree of cooperativity among O2-binding sites on respiratory-pigment molecules. When there is no cooperativity—as is the case when each molecule has only a single O2-binding site—the oxygen equilibrium curve is hyperbolic. The curve is sigmoid when molecules have multiple O2-binding sites that exhibit positive cooperativity. Hyperbolic curves are the norm for myoglobins; sigmoid curves are the norm for blood pigments.
  • The Bohr effect is a reduction in O2 affinity caused by a decrease in pH and/or an increase in CO2 partial pressure. The Bohr effect typically enhances O2 delivery because it promotes O2 unloading in systemic tissues while promoting loading in the breathing organs.
  • The Root effect, which occurs only rarely, is a substantial reduction of the oxygen-carrying capacity of a respiratory pigment caused by a decrease in pH and/or an increase in CO2 partial pressure. In teleost fish it helps inflate the swim bladder and oxygenate the retina.
  • Elevated blood temperatures often decrease the O2 affinity of respiratory pigments.
  • Organic molecules and inorganic ions frequently serve as allosteric modulators of respiratory-pigment function. 2,3-DPG (2,3-BPG) in the red blood cells of mammals, for example, chronically decreases the O2 affinity of the hemoglobin in the cells.

The Functions of Respiratory Pigments in Animals

  • Respiratory pigments are diverse in their functional properties. The functions they can potentially perform include O2 transport, facilitation of CO2 transport, transport of substances other than respiratory gases, blood buffering, facilitation of Ov diffusion through the cells of solid tissues such as muscle, and O2 storage in blood or solid tissues.
  • Blood respiratory pigments typically become well oxygenated in the breathing organs, and when animals are at rest, the respiratory pigments typically release only a modest fraction of their O2 to the systemic tissues (25% in humans). During exercise, O2 delivery is enhanced by increases in both the extent of pigment unloading and the rate of blood flow.
  • The O2 affinities of respiratory pigments are often critical for pigment function. When O2 is transferred from one respiratory pigment to another in an individual animal—as when blood hemoglobin donates O2 to myoglobin—it is usual for the pigment receiving the O2 to have a higher O2 affinity. Comparing related species, those with long evolutionary histories in O2-poor environments often have evolved blood respiratory pigments with particularly high O2 affinities.
  • Respiratory-pigment physiology undergoes acclimation, as by changes in pigment amounts, synthesis of new molecular forms, or modulation of preexisting forms.

Carbon Dioxide Transport

  • The carbon dioxide equilibrium curve, which shows the relation between the total carbon dioxide concentration of blood and the CO2 partial pressure, is a key tool for analyzing carbon dioxide transport. In water breathers, the CO2 partial pressures of both systemic arterial blood and systemic venous blood are typically low and on the steep portion of the carbon dioxide equilibrium curve. In air breathers, blood CO2 partial pressures tend to be far higher and therefore on the flatter portion of the carbon dioxide equilibrium curve.
  • Most carbon dioxide carried in blood is typically in the form of bicarbonate, HCO3. The extent of HCO3 formation depends on blood buffers and determines the shape of the carbon dioxide equilibrium curve. Because respiratory pigments are major blood buffers, they play major roles in carbon dioxide transport.
  • The Haldane effect, which is in part the necessary converse of the Bohr effect, is an increase in the total carbon dioxide concentration of the blood caused by deoxygenation of the respiratory pigment. The Haldane effect aids carbon dioxide transport by promoting CO2 uptake by the blood in the systemic tissues and CO2 loss from the blood in the breathing organs.
  • Rapid uptake of CO2 by the blood or loss of CO2 from the blood requires the action of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme localized to certain places (e.g., red blood cells).

Acid–Base Physiology

  • The neutral pH varies with temperature, being higher at low temperatures than at high ones. In animals with variable body temperatures, the normal blood pH often varies in parallel with the neutral pH, being displaced in the alkaline direction to a constant extent (constant relative alkalinity).
  • Acidosis and alkalosis are categories of acid–base disturbance. They occur, respectively, when the blood pH is to the acid or alkaline side of an animal’s normal pH for the prevailing body temperature. Either sort of disturbance can be respiratory (originating because of changes in CO2 loss by breathing) or metabolic (originating because of changes in the blood bicarbonate concentration).
  • Within their range of acid–base regulation, animals correct chronic acid–base disturbances by modulating the elimination of CO2, H+, and HCO3 in regulatory ways.
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