This website provides access to legislation, including the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

This website has the latest drafts of bills that are currently proceeding through Parliament. Many Bills are significantly changed before they become legislation.

This website provides the full text of judgments recently issued by the House of Lords. So if you read in a newspaper of an interesting House of Lords decision it should be available here.

This website is a useful gateway into Government. If you are looking for the government’s response to a particular issue in relation to criminal law this is a useful starting point. This is a search facility which should direct you to the relevant pages.

This is the official website of the Department of Health. It will tell you about Government policy on Health issues. It offers advice on eating well.

This is where you can find out about the National Health Service.

This is the website for the department of constitutional affairs. This department deals with general justice issues. If you wish to find out more about your favourite (or least favourite!) judge this may be the place to look.

This is the website for the Law Commission. You can download Law Commission Reports and Consultation Papers from here. You can also find out about on-going projects upon which the Commission is working.

This is the website of the General Medical Council, which regulates doctors and promotes good medical practice.

This is where you can find out about the British Medical Association, the organization which represents doctors in the UK.

This is where you can find out about the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. You can read their reports and decide if you think they are nice or not!

This is the website for the Patients’ Association, a charity which seeks to promote the interests of patients.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority regulates assisted reproduction in the UK.



Birthrights is an organisation seeking to promote the interests of women and birthing people during childbirth.

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