Chapter 12 Interactive key cases
D was a consultant gynaecologist, and used a National Health Service (NHS) hospital to treat a number of his private patients. He failed to tell the hospital that the patients were in fact private and the hospital did not charge either D or the patients for the use of the facilities.
The offence of dishonestly obtaining exemption or abatement of liability by deception could be committed by an act of commission or one of omission. This conduct would probably now be a fraud offence by breach of (at least) s 3 Fraud Act 2006 (possibly by s 4 as well).
D had exceeded the limit on her credit card and agreed to return the card to the bank. However, she used it to make another purchase in a shop.
The House of Lords held that the presentation of the credit card had been a representation of D’s authority to make a contract on the bank’s behalf. It was false, and it was open to the jury to find that the manager had been induced by D’s representation.
The defendant had an agreement with employees of a cinema to lend him the films so that he could copy them and sell the pirate copies. He would then return the films, with the cinema owners none the wiser.