Indigenous Community Economic Resilience
- Why is it important to recognize diversity for governance structuring?
- Describe the governance structure of Inuit in Canada.
- When and why was the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami created?
- What is the Métis National Council?
- Describe and comment on the Manitoba Métis Federation’s (MMF) position on dealing with conflict over resource development.
- How does the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) function?
- How can leadership on reserves be elected for the Assembly of First Nations?
- How do the Métis relate to land and land ownership?
- What does economic success depend on for Indigenous communities?
- What differences can you draw between the Indian Act (1985) and the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management in 1996?
- What is the Kitsaki Management Limited Partnership?
- What is the economic mission and vision for the Osooyoos Indian Band (OIB) and what are their businesses?