Indigenous Community Economic Resilience
  1. Why is it important to recognize diversity for governance structuring?
  2. Describe the governance structure of Inuit in Canada.
  3. When and why was the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami created?
  4. What is the Métis National Council?
  5. Describe and comment on the Manitoba Métis Federation’s (MMF) position on dealing with conflict over resource development.
  6. How does the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) function?
  7. How can leadership on reserves be elected for the Assembly of First Nations?
  8. How do the Métis relate to land and land ownership?
  9. What does economic success depend on for Indigenous communities?
  10. What differences can you draw between the Indian Act (1985) and the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management in 1996?
  11. What is the Kitsaki Management Limited Partnership?
  12. What is the economic mission and vision for the Osooyoos Indian Band (OIB) and what are their businesses?
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