Rural Development

E-commerce Strategies for Rural Development: A Best Practice from China, 2016

Time 3:41

Three billion people in developing countries live in rural areas. They include the majority of the world’s poor. According to a 2016 OECD report, it appears their numbers will continue to grow until 2030. In this video, the Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba invites aspiring entrepreneurs to join its e-commerce initiative to foster rural development in China. The “Rural Taobao Partner” initiative encourages young workers in urban China to return to their rural villages to start businesses helping the village people to go online and benefit from the internet.

International Day of Rural Women | The contribution of rural women to development, 2019

Time 9:06

The "International Day of Rural Women” was first observed on 15 October 2008 and seeks to highlight the important role that rural women & girls play in society.

Linking food safety to food security, 2014

Time 6:18

With 12.5 per cent of the global population suffering from chronic hunger, many countries around the world need to increase food production in order to meet their food security needs. The four pillars of food security are availability of food, access to that food, utilization in terms of how our bodies use that food, and a stable environment, and food safety plays a key role in all of them. This video, produced for an ICN2 side-event on food safety and food security, looks at how good practices is contributing to rapid growth in aquaculture for domestic consumption and export in Bangladesh.

Migration, Agriculture, and Rural Development, 2018

Time 1:22:03

The dramatic changes in the flow of migrants across international borders, as well as accelerating internal movements of rural migrants towards cities, are reshaping our world. For many smallholder farmers and herders, moving away from rural areas is an attractive opportunity to diversify livelihoods, escape slow-onset events such as climate change and environmental degradation, seek improved social services, and reunite with family members. For both origin and receiving communities, migration presents challenges and opportunities. Unfortunately, much of the migration dialogue has only focused on the former. Are there good examples of policies in receiving countries that empower the displaced and capitalize on opportunities that can arise from a global population shift?

Rural Development and Governance, 2014

Time 59:54

This lecture talks about rural development and governance. 

Sustainable development: what, where and by whom? 2012

Time 19:13

Sustainable development has been the red line in Kitty van der Heijden’s career. After working for the UN, she is now director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ambassador for sustainable development. She will represent the Netherlands in the upcoming Rio plus 20 Earth Summit in June 2012. An international conference organised by the UN 20 years after the first UN conference on sustainable development in Rio. At TEDxHarlem Kitty van der Heijden will take us on a journey through international sustainable development conferences.

The Future of the Rural Space, 2019

Time 1:03:46

Rural areas often seem left behind in the global development success story. Rural areas today concentrate almost 80% of the world’s extreme poor, high levels of female illiteracy, and the vast majority of people not covered by broadband-capable networks. About one third of total land is degraded and about third of the world’s largest aquifers are being depleted. At the same time, growth in agricultural value chains, land use and other economic rights for women, forest and land restoration, climate-smart agriculture and digital platforms promise a brighter future for the 45% of the world’s population that still lives in rural areas.

The secret to thriving rural communities: Terry Brunner at TEDxABQ, 2013

Time 5:29

As Director of Rural Development for New Mexico, Terry Bruner travels to rural communities all across the state. As such, he's got a unique vantage point on what makes some communities thrive while others falter, and at TEDxABQ 2013 he presents what he's learned.

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