Climate Change, Environment, and Development

Quiz Content

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. Environmental issues and their links with development have been a subject of increasing international co-operation since the ________.

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. For a long period in international development history, the focus of debates and policies was about how to ________.

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. The concept of "sustainable development" was introduced through the Brundtland Report as the guiding principle of ________.

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. "Collective action problem" describes the situation in which ________.

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. Some economists have hypothesized that the relationship between economic and environmental quality takes the form of ________, called the Environmental Kuznets Curve.

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. In Silent Spring, Rachel Carson argued that ________.

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. The 1980s saw some of the most influential advances in climate science and international response to global environmental change. The ________ is a perfect example.

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. The following point is not listed as a connection between global economic development and environmental sustainability: ________.

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. Climate Change and Environmental Risk Atlas noted, for 2018, that the top 10 affected countries were in Africa and Asia. The top two countries, in order of estimated negative impacts, are ________.

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. Development that emphasizes "societies need to meet human needs both by increasing productive potential and by ensuring equitable opportunities for all" is known as ________.

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. The Trump administration issued a formal request to the UNFCCC to withdraw the US from which climate change agreement?

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. The UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol created a regime that embraces two main responses in its action against climate change. These main responses are ________.

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. The impact of humans on the environment is generally measured using the equation ________.

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. A major equity concept that has been devised to mediate the justice conflict between developed and developing countries is the ________.

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. Rachel Carson stressed that through the process of _________, dangerous amounts of pesticides were finding their way into the human food chain and causing serious harm.

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. One major issue that has dogged international cooperative effort for global governance of climate change and sustainable development is ______________.

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. Poor countries accuse rich countries ___________.

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. Poor countries complain that ____________.

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. Poor countries fear that ________________.

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. Poor countries are not able to participate effectively in the negotiation of global environmental agreements because ______________.

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. A rapidly deteriorating environment demands that ______________.

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. The Common but Differentiated Responsibility and Capability principle ___________.

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. CBDR+C stands for ______________.

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. According to developed countries, a focus on distributive justice ___________.

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. The Clean Development Mechanism _______________.

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. Climate change is generally recognized as the most important development challenge in the twenty-first century.

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. The Sustainable Development Goals, launched in 2015, cover seven areas including food, water, and housing.

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. The tragedy of the commons is famously linked to American ecologist Garrett Hardin.

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. The modernization theory approach suggests that the solution to pollution and environmental degradation resulting from economic growth is, in fact, the pursuit of even more economic development.

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. Recent global ecosystem assessment projects have shown that over the past 50 years humans have positively impacted the natural environment due to increased awareness.

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. This first-ever environmental conference convened at the United Nations level was held in New York.

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. China's rapid economic growth in the past 30 years has resulted in dramatic increases in certain aspects of well-being and a rise of significant environmental challenges.

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. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)'s core function was to lead the UN's work on environment and its links to international development.

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. The term "sustainable development" was brought firmly into public discourse in a report published by the Brundtland Commission in 1987.

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. Agenda 21 is a detailed blueprint for the protection of the earth and tis sustainable development at local levels.

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. In the Third World, climate change most negatively impacts Haiti.

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. The overriding purpose of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol was to develop a temporary process for managing environmental issues.

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. "Vision 2050" describes how a global population of 9 billion will live contentedly within the obtainable natural resource limits.

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. The impact of any population on the environment is expressed as a product of two characteristics: mitigation and adaptation.

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. Developed countries insist that it is much better to use market approaches or instruments in dealing with environmental issues.

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. Through the CDM, developing country parties may not request financial support to respond to climate change.

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. CDM processes succeed despite poorly defined objectives.

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. The CDM has been viewed by most developing-country parties as a way of taking the pressure off rich countries that need to make domestic cuts in emissions.

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. Global sustainable development policies are based on differences in the way the very concept of sustainability is understood.

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. Proponents of weak sustainability assume that natural and produced capital are not exchangeable and that inequalities exist in the kinds of well-being they produce.

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. From the weak sustainability perspective it does not matter if the current generation depletes non-renewable environmental resources or continues to increase carbon emissions.

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. The impact of humans on the environment is generally measured using the equation I = CDM

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. It is projected that the next two decades will not see a growth in urban populations.

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. Advances in technology have not helped to stem environmental degradation at all.

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. Renewable energy and innovative farming methods used in large-scale food production are example of how advances in technology have helped to stem environmental degradation.

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