The United Nations and Multilateral Actors in Development

Quiz Content

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. More than ________ intergovernmental organizations exist today.

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. Multilateral aid accounts for approximately ________ of all aid originating from Western governments.

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. By 1961 the UN had ________ member states.

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. The importance of The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) does NOT lie in the area of ________.

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. The major Western sphere of influence bodies include the Organization of American States, la Francophonie, and the ________.

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. Multilateralism refers to ________.

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. The International Labour Organization ________.

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. There are two main categories of organization within the UN: specialized agencies and ________.

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. The UN was created under the banner of peace and security, but it rapidly took on mandates to promote ________.

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. Founded in 1961, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is an organization that ________.

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. ________ is not a middle power.

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. In the context of international organizations the logic of technical functionalism means ________.

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. In 1997, what is referred to today as the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council was set up to promote all of the below except for ________.

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. ________ operate under the direct supervision of the Secretary-General's office.

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. As with many other UN agencies, UNESCO has had to seek ________.

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. US has influenced development strategies _________.

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. Traditional multilateralism terms have been __________.

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. Universal bodies of the UN _____________.

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. Social and political movements _____________.

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. Africa's most important regional organization is ____________.

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. Regional blocs are usually organized ____________.

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. ASEAN is ___________.

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. Some of China's major bloc initiatives are _______________.

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. The Belt and Road Initiative ______________.

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. A major sub-regional bloc in Latin America is ___________.

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. Those social and political tremors caused by the COVID-19 pandemic exposed weaknesses in today's multilateralism.

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. Middle powers tend to pursue a unilateral approach to agreement-making.

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. The UN has often been a platform for non-Western countries to regroup and to resist Western pressures.

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. The United Nations was conceived in the closing months of the Second World War.

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. Rich countries liked UNCTAD because it followed Western prescriptions and posed advantages for multinational corporations.

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. The World Health Organization's mandate defines health as "the absence of disease or infirmity."

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. UNICEF pursues a worldwide mandate for child survival and development.

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. The United Nations Development Program Administrator ranks second in the UN after the secretary general.

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. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development promotes consensus on aid and socio-economic development.

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. Western powers have sought to stay connected with their former colonies or dependencies to retain a sphere of influence.

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. The UN has frequently coupled humanitarian work with its peacekeeping missions.

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. In a globalized world, important drivers of development problems are confined to national territories.

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. Some multilateral arrangements are basically clubs open only to rich countries.

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. For non-Western countries, Western powers have first defined problems and prescribed the solutions according to their preferred policy formulas.

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. Global cooperation to reduce COVID-19 pandemic risks has been uneven and often weak.

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. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is a bloc of low-income countries.

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. OECD produces policy proposals for its members.

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. The G20 represents a trend toward bilateralism.

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. The World Trade Organization is a multilateral body of the un.

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. The US and the EU today continue to put priority on multilateralism via the WTO rather than bilateral deal-making.

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. The G7 is comprised of the UK, USA, Germany, France, and Russia.

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. The Organization of American States is an effort of the US to maintain its commercial interests in Latin America.

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. The Organization of American States (OAS) includes all Latin American countries and territories.

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. The United Nations is embarking on a new era of selective multilateralism, according to some thinkers.

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