The United Nations and Multilateral Actors in Development
  1. What are the three significant phases that the UN has gone through?
  2. What are the goals of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization?
  3. What are the UN’s peacekeeping organizations and their actions?
  4. What are some of the challenges to the integrity and transparency of the United Nations?
  5. For what purposes was the UN created?
  6. What are the sphere of influence organizations, and in what way do these organizations contribute to international development programs?
  7. What is the main focus of the G20?
  8. How does the World Trade Organization (WTO) work and in favour of which interests?
  9. What is the nature of the Council of Europe?
  10. Why did the NIEO disappear?
  11. What is the aim of the development of regional blocs? Give examples.
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