Introduction to International Development, Practice Quiz: Chapter 08

Introduction to International Development, Practice Quiz: Chapter 08

Quiz Content

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. Bilateral aid ________.

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. ________ is NOT a criterion under the definition of" official development assistance"?

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. "Tied aid" is defined as ________.

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. Recent controversies over official development assistance have NOT been concerned with ________.

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. China has recently gained attention for the foreign aid it is providing to ________.

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. ________ of global ODA is provided by members of the Development Assistance Committee.

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. The period of "aid fatigue" was ________.

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. ________ provided the highest amount of official development assistance in absolute terms in 2008.

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. ________ is one of the least generous aid donors in relative terms.

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. ________ was the largest official development assistance recipient in 2013.

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. To qualify as ODA, funding must be provided by ________.

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. Foreign aid can be spent in all of the following ways except ________.

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. Results-based management is effective for measuring ________.

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. A long-standing debate in foreign aid is ________.

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. Uniting around one single development strategy carries the following risks: ________.

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. The term "foreign aid" is often used interchangeably with the term "official development assistance."

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. Funds from non-governmental organizations are included in the category of official development assistance.

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. Most countries that provide foreign aid belong to the Development Assistance Committee.

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. Some developing countries have their own donor programs.

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. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) channels US foreign aid to countries that meet certain criteria involving the presence of free market, democracy, and good governance.

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. Asia receives more foreign aid than any other region.

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. Most of the increase in ODA since 2000 has been due to debt cancellations and aid to Iraq and Afghanistan.

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. Russia qualifies as ODA.

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. The top recipients of aid are also the most dependent on aid.

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. Results-based management seeks to improve aid effectiveness by requiring measurable and verifiable results of aid.

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. Aid can be provided by governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, private foundations, and individuals. To count as foreign aid, or official development assistance, it must have as its main goal the promotion of well-being in developing countries.

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. Critics agree that the definition of ODA must be extended to the militarization or securitization of aid.

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. Government officials believe that aid is primarily a means to pursue other foreign policy objectives, including diplomatic, commercial, and security interests.

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. The United States the world's largest aid donor.

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. The top recipients of foreign aid are often determined based on a five-year period without the consideration of international politics.

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