1. Small to larger group discussion (in class or online). As groups, ask students to review the registered nurse standards of practice, code of ethics, code of conduct and continuous professional development applicable to their country. Have each group feedback to a larger group three key messages about the codes and guidelines that they consider are essential for their future practice as a newly registered nurse.
  2. Individual or small group think, pair, share (in class or online). Ask students to identify the advantages and/or disadvantages of having a regulated profession, then have each give feedback to a larger group or via an online discussion forum.
  3. Individual (online) or individual or group (in class). Allocate or have students choose one of the seven pillars of clinical governance and share their experience of how they have seen this pillar evident within a clinical setting while on clinical placement.
  4. Small group (in class) to large group. Have students work in small groups and create a role play of a situation where they must undertake their responsibilities and/or standards of practice. This could be a situation that involves supervision and/or delegation of a nursing activity to enrolled nurses or others, or a situation where they are allocated an activity that is outside their scope of practice or that they believe they do not have the level of competence to perform. Ask students to role play to the larger group and discuss the topic of the role play.
  5. Online discussion forum. Present a situation that involves inappropriate supervision or delegation of a nursing activity. Ask students to critique the situation, then identify the risks and the guiding principles related to the responsibilities of a registered nurse. Present a situation where they as the registered nurse are allocated an activity that is outside their scope of practice or that they believe they do not have the level of competence to perform. Ask students to explain how they might respond, and what resources they would draw on to manage the situation.
  6. Individual or group (in class or online). Use the complete or sections of the unfolding case study as a group or individual activity or discussion.
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