Chapter 2 Web links
World Trade Organization: China trade profile
(See opening case study, China and the Global Economy, p.45)
World Trade Organization: Afghanistan trade profile
(See mini case study 2.3, Afghanistan’s Entry to the WTO, p.67)
Freakonomics article: 'The Economics of Happiness, Part 5: Will Raising the Incomes of All Raise the Happiness of All?' by Justin Wolfers:
(See Counterpoint box 2.1, GDP and the Quality of Life, p.50)
Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress:
Tax Justice Network transfer pricing:
(See mini case study 2.1, Illegal and Illicit Trades, Tax Havens and the Global Economy, p. 50 and mini case 2.2 Intra Firm Trade and Transfer Pricing – Is This Really Trade? p.64)
The World Bank: Global Economic Prospects:
The New Economic Foundation publication: 'Get Rich or Die Trying: Is free time a better measure of economic success than GDP?’:
Office for National Statistics blog ‘Beyond GDP: How ONS is developing wider measures of the UK economy’:
IMF Annual Report On Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions 2017:
(See pp. 70–2)
Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2017/18: Foreign Investor Perspectives and Policy Implications: