Chapter 10 Web links
The Law Library of US Library of Congress provides legal databases on the USA and worldwide:
For example, for international/multinational legal information, see the Library of Congress website:
Eur-Lex gives access to EU law and cases:
The World Bank runs the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes:
For specific information on consumer law in the EU, see:
For EU competition law and cases, see:
Many universities offer information on national and international legal systems and issues:
SOAS: https://www.soas.ac.uk/library/subjects/law/region/africa/primary-sources/
Harvard: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/sb.php?subject_id=62427
Columbia: https://www.law.columbia.edu/library/research-guides
Wolters Kluwer provide information on a variety of legal issues, for example on competition: http://www.kluwercompetitionlaw.com, and on arbitration: http://www.kluwerarbitration.com.
Freshfields is another private practice providing legal information: http://www.freshfields.com/en/global/