Chapter 1 Web links
The World Trade Organization provides lots of information on developments and issues around world trade: https://www.wto.org.
UNCTAD provides lots of data on investment, trade, and development. A particularly useful source of information on FDI is the World Investment Report: http://unctad.org.
The UN and associated bodies run a number of web sites with useful information on areas connected with globalization:
Statistics: https://unstats.un.org
Population: https://population.un.org/wpp/DataQuery/
Migration: www.iom.int
Labour and issues work: www.ilo.org
Culture, education, and science: https://en.unesco.org
Health: www.who.int
International trade law: www.uncitral.org
KOF Index of Globalization offers rankings and charts on changes in the depth and extent of globalization in the world, and by continent and country. This is available at: http://globalization.kof.ethz.ch/