Finding Answers: theories and how to apply them
This discusses the meaning, types, and functions of hypotheses employed in scientific research. It is easy to understand and summarizes a great deal in a short discussion.
This site provides interesting exercises to aid in comprehension of independent and dependent variables, experimental and control groups. It discusses three different cases and asks the reader to identify the variables and the groups being investigated.
This discusses the importance and development of a theoretical framework for research. It discusses the definition, functions of, and ways of generating a theoretical framework.
This site offers a brief comparison of causation and correlation. It provides several interesting examples to explain the difference between the two terms.

A guide to the difference between a hypothesis and a theory in scientific research.

A guide to the different types of hypothesis, and what makes a good hypothesis in political research.

A PowerPoint presentation on developing hypotheses and research questions, which includes examples of different types of hypothesis, tips for developing a hypothesis for quantitative and qualitative research, and discussion of hypothesis testing and types of error.

A guide to developing a hypothesis, including examples of ways to phrase hypotheses clearly and concisely.

A guide to political science research and writing from the University of North Carolina, which is particularly useful for thinking about how to operationalize concepts but also covers points like structuring a research paper.

A video lecture on developing hypotheses in political science research.

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