Patterns of Association: Bivariate Analysis
This site is very useful since it provides a comprehensive glossary of statistical terms including any term used in the bivariate analysis and linear regression models. It also provides formulas and examples to better fathom the statistical terms employed in this chapter such as chi-squared and p-value.

See the links below the heading ‘P Values’ for a series of short advice on P values, including how to interpret them and common misinterpretations and misunderstandings.
This is an advanced source about cross-tabulations including its components and bivariate crosstabs. It also explains how to use chi-squared, correlations, degrees of freedom, and p-value in cross-tabulations.
This YouTube video offers a short and accessible explanation of the p-value.
This another accessible video explanation, in this case discussing hypothesis testing.
This is a useful source for linear regression in quantitative analysis. It explains the elements of regression equation with simple examples and shows the main steps to follow for measuring the linear regression.
This site offers a quick way to learn hypothesis testing breaking down the concepts of null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Providing some examples, the source explains on which conditions the researcher can reject or accept the null hypothesis. It also discusses the main decision errors resulting from hypothesis testing.
This link takes you to the YouTube channel of the LSE Department of Methodology. You will find tutorials on how to use common statistical software packages, such as SPSS and STATA.

A short video which shows you how to create crosstabs in SPSS.

A short video which shows you how to create scatterplots in SPSS.

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