Textual Analysis

This is a comprehensive source on content analysis. It explains the origins of content analysis and the basic ideas behind it, and provides information about computer programs that can be used in content analyses.


This site provides information on all types of primary sources ranging from government documents to oral history and artefacts. It also provides links to other valuable sources of information on various primary sources.

This site provides a clear account of ‘speech act theory’. It also provides a useful list of readings and web links for further research.

This useful YouTube video introduces the method of discourse analysis. It includes an introduction about what is discourse, references to the influence of Michel Foucault over the method, and examples of how discourse analysis can be conducted.

Teun van Dijk, a prominent scholar in the field of Critical Discourse Analysis, gives a lecture on the topic of ‘Discourse and Knowledge’.


An introduction to content analysis and common challenges associated with the method, from the University of Georgia. Includes lots of examples of researchers who use content analysis, how they use it (including approaches to coding), and what kind of questions they address. These researchers mainly work in areas relating to business and organizational management, but the examples may still help you to think about your own areas of interest and whether content analysis is a suitable method for you to use.


A guide to discourse analysis from the Linguistic Society of America, which summarizes key terms such as frames and speech acts.


A guide to discourse analysis which references a lot of academic literature. May be useful for considering the kinds of questions discourse analysis can address, and whether it is a suitable method for your research.


An interesting introduction to discourse analysis, which outlines what discourse analysis does and gives examples of applications of the method (including topics in politics and international relations where discourse analysis is used).


PowerPoint slides showing a framework for conducting discourse analysis.


A video introduction to unobtrusive research, focusing on content analysis.


A video introduction to discourse analysis, which defines key terms and takes you through the process of conducting discourse analysis.

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