This source offers brief information on the definition and the types of measurement errors experienced during social research.
This is a blog post from the Survey Monkey blog, illustrating five common mistakes that can be made when formulating survey questions. It also provides examples of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ questions.

Similar to the above, this article lists ten key things to consider when designing surveys.

A tip sheet on question wording from the University of Harvard.

This detailed article gives guidance on designing effective surveys. This includes examples of different types of question and response categories, and tips for writing good questions and avoiding common issues in survey design.

Guidance on questionnaire design from the PEW Research Center, including issues of question wording and order, and advice on pre-testing.
This statistics glossary page from the University of Glasgow reviews different type of sampling, including random sampling. It also provides definitions for commonly used terms such as ‘target population’, ‘standard error’, and ‘bias’.
This page gives a practical example of how an important polling company, YouGov, conducts its surveys. It explains the panel methodology used by YouGov, sampling strategies, data analysis, and also discusses the accuracy of the results.
This is a useful web source summarizing the main tenets of ‘sampling error’ during the conduct of surveys. It provides numerous examples, tables, and charts to explain concepts.
Students are often unsure as to what online survey platform they could use for their research. This web page reviews and compares several online survey tools, and includes a summary table as well as individual reviews for each platform.

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