Chapter 2 Delve Deeper (Additional Readings)
Bobrow-Strain, A., 2007. Intimate enemies: Landowners, power, and violence in Chiapas. Durham: Duke University Press.
James, P., 2005. Arguing globalizations: Propositions towards an investigation of global formation. Globalizations, 2(2), 193–209.
Magnoni, A., Ardren, T. and Hutson, S., 2007. Tourism in the Mundo Maya: Inventions and (mis) representations of Maya identities and heritage. Archaeologies, 3(3), 353–383.
Mathews, J. 2009. Chicle: The chewing gum of the Americas, from the ancient Maya to William Wrigley. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Rus, J. et al., eds. 2003. Mayan lives, Mayan utopias: The indigenous peoples of Chiapas and the Zapatista rebellion. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Tucker, C. M., 2011. Coffee culture: Local experiences, global connections. London: Routledge.