The Bronze Screen. 2002. Film-makers Nancy De La Santos, Susan Racho, and Alberto Dominguez. Bronze Screen Productions.

Examines Latino Image in Hollywood Cinema.


Colorblind Racism and the American Teen Pic. 2013. YouTube.

School project illustrating the colorblindness of mainstream media.


Ethnic Notions. 2004. Film-maker Marlon Riggs. California Newsreel. In Whose Honor? 1997. Film-maker Jay Rosenstein. PBS POV.

Documentary that examines anti-Black stereotypes that infused popular culture.


From Symbols of Hate to Portraits of Understanding. YouTube. National Forum sponsored by Freedom Institute. April 30, 2011:

Six-part documentary on a forum that brought together Muslim, African American, Native American, Latino, Jewish, and gay communities to address and propose solutions to the challenges they experience.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


Latinos Beyond Reel: Challenging Media Stereotypes. 2012. Film-makers Miguel Picker and Chyng Sun. Media Education Foundation.

Documentary on how Latinos are stereotyped in the media.


Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People. 2001. Film-makers Jeremy Earp and Sut Jhally (Media Education Foundation).

Documentary on the stereotyping of Arabs in Hollywood.


Reel Injun: On the Trail of the Hollywood Indian. 2009. Film-maker Neil Diamond. PBS Independent Lens.

Documentary on the contribution of Native people to American cinema.


Slanted Screen: Asian Men in Film and Television. 2006. Film-maker Jeff Adachi. Passion River.

Documentary on the portrayal of Asian men in television and cinema.


Slaying the Dragon: Asian Women in U.S. Television and Film. 1988. Film-maker Deborah Gee. Asian Women United.

Documentary on the media stereotypes of Asian and Asian American women through time.


Slaying the Dragon: Reloaded. 2011. Film-maker Elaine H. Kim. Asian Women United.

Addresses the changes in the representation of Asian women in Hollywood that have resulted from globalization and the transformation of the U.S. Population.

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