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Chapter 6 Further reading
Financial support for children
Bazley, J. et al (One Garden Court Chambers), Applications under Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989 (Bristol: Family Law, 2010)
Collier, R., ‘The Campaign Against the Child Support Act, Errant Fathers and Family Men’ [1994] Family Law 384
Diduck, A., ‘The Unmodified Family: The Child Support Act and the Construction of Legal Subjects’ (1995) 22(4) Journal of Law and Society 527
Fehlberg, B. and Maclean, M., ‘Child Support Policy in Australia and the United Kingdom: Changing Priorities but a Similar Tough Deal for Children?’ (2009) 23(1) International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 1–24
Gilmore, S., ‘Re P (Child) (Financial Provision)—Shoeboxes and Comical Shopping Trips—Child Support from the Affluent to Fabulously Rich’ (2004) 16(1) Child and Family Law Quarterly 103
Glendinning, C., Clarke, K., and Craig, G., ‘Implementing the Child Support Act’ (1996) 18(3) Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 273–289
Maclean, M. and Eekelaar, J., ‘Child Support: The British Solution’ (1993) 7 International Journal of Law and the Family 205
Wikeley, N., ‘A Duty But Not a Right: Child Support after R (Kehoe) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions’ [2006] Child and Family Law Quarterly 287
Wikeley, N., Child Support Law and Policy (Oxford: Hart, 2006)
Wikeley, N., ‘Child Support: The Brave New World’ [2008] Family Law 1024
Wikeley, N., ‘Child Support: Carrots and Sticks’ [2008] Family Law 1102