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Chapter 10 Further reading
Children needing services, care, and protection
Bainham, A., ‘Interim Care Orders: Is the Bar Set Too Low?’ [2011] Family Law 374
Bainham, A., ‘Suspicious Minds: Protecting Children in the Face of Uncertainty’ (2013) 72 Cambridge Law Journal 266.
Bainham, A., ‘Swimming against the Tide: Challenging Contact Arrangements in the Public Law’ [2015] Fam Law 1356.
Bettle, J. and Herring, J., ‘Shaken Babies and Care Proceedings’ [2011] Family Law 1370
Conway, H., ‘The Laming Inquiry—Victoria Climbie’s Legacy’ [2002] Family Law 755
Cretney, S., Family Law in the Twentieth Century—A History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), Ch 20
Doughty, J., ‘Re B (A Child) (Care Order) (2013) UKSC 33’ (2013) 35(4) Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 491–501
Eekelaar, J., ‘Are Parents Morally Obliged to Care for Their Children?’ (1991) 11(3) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 340
Freeman, M., ‘The Right to Responsible Parents’ in J. Bridgeman, H. Keating, and C. Lind, Responsibility, Law and the Family (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008), pp 21–40
Gillespie, A. A., ‘Establishing a Third Order in Care Proceedings’ [2000] Child and Family Law Quarterly 239
Gilmore, S., ‘Re J (Care Proceedings: Past Possible Perpetrators in a New Family Unit) [2013] UKSC 9: Bulwarks and logic—the blood which runs through the veins of law—but how much will be spilled in future?’ [2013] Child and Family Law Quarterly 215
Hale, B. et al, The Family, Law and Society: Cases and Materials, 5th edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), Ch 11 (for historical material). See also generally the 6th edn, 2009, Ch 11
Hayes, J., ‘Ensuring Equal Protection for Siblings’ [2010] Family Law 505
Hayes, J., ‘Protecting Child Victims of Female Genital Mutilation’ [2015] Fam Law 282
Hayes, J., Hayes, M., and Williams, J., ‘ “Shocking” Abuse Followed by a “Staggering Ruling”: Re MA (Care Threshold)’ [2010] Family Law 166
Hayes, M., ‘Removing Children from their Families—Law and Policy Before the Children Act 1989’ in G. Douglas and N. Lowe (eds), The Continuing Evolution of Family Law (Bristol: Jordan Publishing, 2009)
Hayes, M., ‘The Supreme Court’s Failure to Protect Vulnerable Children: Re J (Children)’ [2013] Family Law 1015
Howe, D., ‘Removal of Children at Interim Hearings: Is the Test Now Set Too High?’ [2009] Family Law 320
Keating, H., ‘Suspicions, Sitting on the Fence and Standards of Proof’ [2009] Child and Family Law Quarterly 230
Keating, H., ‘Re MA: The Significance of Harm’ [2011] Child and Family Law Quarterly 115
Lonne, B., Parton, N., Thomson, J., and Harries, M., Reforming Child Protection (Abindgon: Routledge, 2009)
Lord Laming, The Victoria Climbié Inquiry: Report of an Inquiry by Lord Laming (Cm 5730, January 2003)
Masson, J., ‘From Curtis to Waterhouse: State Care and Child Protection in the UK 1945–2000’ in S. Katz, J. Eekelaar, and M. Maclean (eds), Cross-Currents: Family Law Policy in the US and England (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp 565–88
Masson, J., ‘Police Protection—Protecting Whom?’ (2002) 24(2) Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 157
Masson, J., ‘Emergency Intervention to Protect Children: Using and Avoiding Legal Controls’ [2005] Child and Family Law Quarterly 75
Parton, N., The Politics of Child Abuse (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1985)
Parton, N., Governing the Family (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1991)
Taylor, R., ‘Religion as harm? Radicalisation, extremism and child protection’ [2018] Child and Family Law Quarterly 41.