Remedies and appeals

Quiz Content

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. Remedies that occur before the final resolution are known as ______ remedies.

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. What does a Norwich Pharmacal Order do?

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. Ordinarily, which of the following can grant an interim injunction?

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. _______ damages relate to identifiable sums of money.

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. The courts try to make the awarding of damages simple. Thus, if C can prove that he will lose £10,000 per year for 10 years, the courts will order the payment of £100,000 (10x£10,000) in damages.

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. Which of the following is NOT a type of equitable remedy?

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. After the Woolf Reforms, a writ of certiorari is now known as:

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. Only the claimant has the right to appeal in judicial review actions.

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. An appeal from a district judge presiding in a fast track (as distinct from small claims track) hearing in the County Court will be heard by whom?

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. It is not possible for a decision of a County Court judge to ever be appealed to the Supreme Court.

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