Defensive Developmentalism

Quiz Content

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What was the goal of Mehmet Ali's defensive developmentalism in Egypt?

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Which cash crop did Egypt become dependent on to fund defensive developmentalism?

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Which region of the Ottoman Empire did Mehmet Ali want to control for its ports and trade routes and raw materials?

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How did the Treaty of Balta Liman impact the Ottoman economy?

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Which event led to a sharp increase in Egyptian revenues in the middle of the nineteenth century?

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Why did Britain occupy Egypt in 1882?

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What proved to be the downfall of Ahmad Bey's attempts at defensive developmentalism in Tunisia?

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When did the first period of Ottoman defensive developmentalism end?

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Which Ottoman sultan eliminated the Janissary Corps in 1826?

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After abandoning British Liberalism as a model for political and institutional change, Ottoman bureaucrats and intellectuals turned towards _________________ as a model in the latter part of the nineteenth century.

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Through the promotion of osmanlilik, the Ottoman government hoped to

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Why were the effects of defensive developmentalism more uneven in the Ottoman Empire than in Mehmet Ali's Egypt?

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Both Egypt and Tunisia, through defensive developmentalism, were able to create structures and institutions that have lasted until this day. Political scientists collectively call these

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The rivalry between which two great powers impacted Persia's ability to conduct defensive developmentalism?

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What was the name of the elite military unit established by the Qajars as a part of their defensive developmentalism?

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In what areas did the Qajars have some success in defensive developmentalism?

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Who played an important role in ending the Persian tobacco concession?

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William Knox d'Arcy was granted a concession by the Persian government over what natural resource in 1901?

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Defensive developmentalism was a major factor in the spread of ______________ to the Middle East.

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What invention helped the Ottoman Empire expand authority throughout its territory, but also became tool for the people to express dissatisfaction with their government?

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