Quiz Content

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. The United States and the Soviet Union demanded greater ideological and operational conformity from the movements and organizations they funded in the Third World in the late 1970s and 1980s than they had previously.

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. The core of "liberation theology" was

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. Which statement is FALSE?

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. All of the following contributed to the erosion of support for the Somoza regime in Nicaragua EXCEPT

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. All of the following contributed to the erosion of support for the Sandinista government in Nicaragua EXCEPT

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. Which of the following statements about the end of the Sandinista government in 1990 is TRUE?

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. During the Salvadoran civil war of 1979-1992, the military government and the left-wing FMLN both committed kidnapping, disappearances, murders, and atrocities, but the government perpetrated up to 95% of the violence.

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. Which of the following events proved to be the turning point in bringing about the end of the Reagan administration's support for the Salvadoran military government?

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. Which of the following statements about Guatemala's President Efraín Ríos Montt is FALSE?

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. The Esquipulas Accords were brokered by Costa Rica, and helped Guatemala and El Salvador transition from armed conflict to free elections.

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