Chapter 1 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. Many types of antibiotics that were highly effective a few decades ago are not nearly as effective in the present. Why might this be the case?

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. Why is evolutionary biology one of the best paradigms in which to study the spread of viruses like Ebola into new populations and species?

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. Which statement best characterizes the distinction between proximate and ultimate causes?

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. Biological evolution is defined as

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. What is meant by "the theory of evolution"?

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. Natural selection is only one of several possible mechanisms of evolution. Another mechanism is

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. Uniformitarianism allows evolutionary biology to be an experimental science. Which of the following is an example of uniformitarianism?

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. Which of these had the least influence on Darwin's work and writing?

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. What was the most important immediate outcome of Wallace's 1858 letter to Darwin, which included Wallace's ideas of natural selection?

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. The two major themes of On the Origin of Species are

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. Which of the following is not one of Darwin's theories?

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. In the early twentieth century, many geneticists were at odds with evolutionary biologists. Why?

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. In the 1930s and 1940s the modern evolutionary synthesis occurred. Which of these was not a major outcome of the evolutionary synthesis?

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. Which of the following is one of the principles of evolution?

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. Which statement is true?

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. Which modern development has the least potential to aid our understanding of macroevolution?

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. What is wrong with the following claim? "Lichens involve a symbiotic association between a fungus and alga. The purpose of algae is to provide nutrients to fungi."

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. Which of these is an example of the "naturalistic fallacy"?

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