Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions

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. How many days into a pregnancy do the cells that will eventually form the heart begin to beat?

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. Which of these statements is correct?

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. The pulmonary vein is the only permanent vein in the body to transport oxygenated blood. Where does this vein transport blood from and to?

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. What term is used to describe the muscular contraction of the heart?

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. Which node produces the electrical impulses which trigger contraction of the chambers in the heart?

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. How many leads does a 12-lead ECG use?

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. What is the process of arterial narrowing by fatty deposits called?

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. Which term describes the condition where a heart valve becomes excessively stiff?

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. In what year did Christiaan Barnard perform the first successful open-heart transplant?

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. How long did the first heart transplant recipient survive after the transplantation?

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