Sociological Theories of Crime and Delinquency

Quiz Content

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. According to this theory, the breakdown of social bonds and the failure of social institutions cause crime.

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. This is the idea that geographical areas radiate out from an expanding urban center, with each area having certain, dominant social attitudes.

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. What is the amount of informal social control and social cohesion in a community called?

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. Which of the following is one of Sutherland's nine propositions?

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. Social learning theory extends differential association theory by including this.

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. This is a form of learning based on the positive or negative consequences of a behavior.

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. In which neutralization technique do offenders claim that the victim did not suffer any harm?

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. Which of the following is not one of Miller's six focal concerns?

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. Who developed classical strain theory?

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. According to Agnew, this type of strain is a problem that most people would feel and that could be predicted to cause anxiety or pain.

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. These theories ask why everyone does not break the law.

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. Which of the following is an external element of containment theory?

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. Which is an element of Hirschi's social bond theory?

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. This perspective seeks to explain why males commit more offenses and delinquency than females.

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. Hagan thinks that _____ families in which gender-roles are distinct produce much higher levels of male delinquency than female delinquency.

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