Terrorism and Hate Crime

Quiz Content

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. This is violence perpetrated against civilians by political groups for the purpose of drawing attention to their cause.

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Which of the following is not a component of terrorism?

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. Terrorism is a unique problem because it uses this in a quest to establish control over the lives of others.

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. What was the first wave of modern terrorism largely concerned with?

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. The fourth wave of modern terrorism considers this as a motivating force.

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. What is terrorism?

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. Which of the following is not an example of international terrorism?

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. Terrorists typically consider their acts as this.

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. Which agency is not part of the Department of Homeland Security?

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. In 2005, how many of the USA PATRIOT Act's main provisions did Congress make permanent?

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. A hate crime is a criminal offense like murder or rape, but with this as an added element.

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. Which state was the first to enact hate-crime laws?

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. This type of criminal offense occurs as part of another criminal offense or complex of offenses.

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. Most hate-crime cases are investigated at this level.

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. For the NCVS to classify an offense as a hate crime, the victim must report at least one of three types of evidence. Which is not one of these?

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