Police departments have traditionally struggled with controlling their officers’ _____.

The original intent of the _____ Act was to end the use of federal troops to monitor state elections in the former Confederate states.

In _____, the Supreme Court ruled that deadly force may only be used if a suspect is a threat to the lives of police officers and/or bystanders.

Traditionally, there have been major distinctions between the roles of the police and those of the _____.

In 1972, the Knapp commission released its report on _____ police corruption.

Police _____ often has the unintended consequences of alienating people from their own police.

_____ involves having citizens help solve crime problems in their communities.

The impetus for the increased militarization of policing was the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. The resulting _____ Act radically changed the environment in which police officers operated.

_____ is believed to be an occupational hazard for police officers.

Most police officers are not required to use any _____ at all in their everyday duties.

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