The use of information technology to analyze vast amounts of data to allow law enforcement to better target their resources toward potential crime is called _____.

The _____ refers to the increased reliance on incarceration, surveillance, and law enforcement in the United States and its relationship to the establishment of for-profit incarceration and probation/parole services, and businesses that supply goods and services to prisons and jails.

_____ and convictions, and/or a host of misdemeanor convictions can disqualify you from being considered for criminal justice jobs.

_____ is the theft or taking of money or property by a person who is charged by an employer or other authority to be responsible for those assets.

A major unintended consequence of high incarceration rates is that _____ does not make many offenders better citizens, but rather accelerates their criminal careers.

The FREEDOM act requires the government to improve its _____ court process by requiring the appointment of lawyers during closed-door sessions to argue for privacy concerns.

The _____, particularly the Fourth Amendment, protects citizens against intrusions into their privacy by the government.

In the 1950s, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the American public about the _____, a runaway system in which corporations sold weapons systems to the U.S. government that it did not really need.

The _____ continuously attempts to maintain order in an environment of shifting laws, unstable social forces, fluctuating cultural politics, and changing social values.

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