After release from incarceration, the corrections system attempts to ease the re-integration of the offender into the community. This is typically done through _____.

_____ includes a wide variety of acts in both public and private spaces, including interpersonal violence and property crime.

When the law is broken, the _____ must respond in the name of society.

_____ is the administration of a punishment or reward in accordance with morals that a given society considers correct.

Once an individual is arrested, the _____ process takes place.

The _____ left a lasting mark on U.S. criminal procedure with its decisions, including Gideon v. Wainwright, which established that states must provide impoverished defendants with an attorney in felony cases and Miranda v. Arizona, which established that police must inform arrestees that they do not have to answer questions and may have an attorney present during questioning.

In thinking about crime, we must use what sociologist C. Wright Mills called the _____, or the idea that we must look beyond the obvious to evaluate how our social location influences how we perceive society.

_____ offenses include burglary, arson, embezzlement, larceny-theft, and auto theft.

_____ are typically the first responders to crime and thus make initial contact.

If the prosecutor’s office decides that there is enough evidence to proceed with the case, they will _____ the suspect with a specific crime.

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