Chapter 11 Self-test questions

Free movement of goods II: non-tariff barriers

Quiz Content

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Article 34 TFEU is concerned with actions of the State only.

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Measures having equivalent effect do not include which of the following circumstances?

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The list of derogations allowed the member States under Art. 36 TFEU can be added to by case law.

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A prohibition on the grounds of public health will always be justified under Art. 36 TFEU.

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The second sentence of Art. 36 TFEU provides: 'Such prohibitions or restrictions shall not, however, constitute a means of _________ ______________ or a disguised restriction on trade between Member States.'

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Which of the following describes 'indistinctly applicable' measures?

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Apart from confirming the principle of equivalence, the Cassis de Dijon case made which of the following clear?

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Which of the following describes 'mandatory measures'?

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A dual burden rule imposes the same burden on imports as it does on domestic products.

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Which of the following describes 'certain selling arrangements'?

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Selling arrangements that hinder market access may also infringe Art. 34 TFEU.

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