The genetics of intelligence, personality, and personality disorders

Quiz Content

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How much of your genome is human? Select correct answer.

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What is intelligence? Select all correct answers.

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How heritable is IQ? Select correct answer.

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What have twin and family studies told us about factors that contribute to someone's IQ? Select correct answer.

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How many genetic loci are known to contribute to intelligence? Select correct answer.

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What lessons do GWAS findings have for the biology of intelligence? Select all correct answers.

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What is the use of a polygenic score derived from a GWAS of educational attainment? Select all correct answers.

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How can personality be assessed? Select all correct answers.

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How heritable is personality? Select all correct answers.

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What are the major factors that shape our personality? Select all correct answers.

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What have molecular genetic analyses of personality found? Select all correct answers.

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What are personality disorders? Select all correct answers.

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What do we know about the genetic basis of personality disorders? Select all correct answers.

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What are the three laws of behavior genetics? Select correct answer.

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