Anxiety, depression, and eating disorders

Quiz Content

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What do we know about the epidemiology of major depression? Select all correct answers.

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What have twin and adoption studies revealed about the heritability of major depression? Select all correct answers.

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What is the evidence that major depression is heterogeneous? Select all correct answers.

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The analysis of candidate genes as causes for major depression has established the following: Select correct answer.

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What has been learnt from genome wide association analysis of major depression? Select all correct answers.

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What have twin, adoption and family studies of bipolar disorder established? Select all correct answers.

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What have genome wide association studies revealed about the genetic basis of bipolar disorder? Select all correct answers.

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What is known about the genetic epidemiology of anxiety disorders? Select all correct answers.

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How do genes predisposing to individual phobias relate to each other? Select all correct answers.

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What is known about the genetic basis of eating disorders? Select all correct answers.

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