Stephen Kershnar and Kristina Meshelski, “Affirmative Action”

Quiz Content

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. In his essay, Kershnar suggests that there is a more just and efficient form of compensation than affirmative action. What is it?

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. In her essay, Meshelski distinguishes between three types of procedural justice. Which of the following is NOT a type of procedural justice?

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. In his reply, Kershnar forwards a number of statements related to affirmative action. Which of the following statements is one that he agrees with?

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. In her reply, Meshelski argues that there are serious reasons to doubt which of the theses that Kershnar endorses?

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. Through their works, it becomes clear that Meshelski and Kershnar agree that there are more effective ways to compensate for past wrongs than affirmative action.

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