1. Where did the Stonehenge builders obtain the bluestones, and what is unique about them?

The Stonehenge builders obtained the bluestones from the Preseli Mountains in southwest Wales. They are volcanic stones with a slightly blue hue, and their unique feature is that they were naturally freestanding monoliths.

2. How were the bluestones arranged initially, and where were they located in relation to the circular ditch?

The original bluestones were arranged in a double half-circle located in the center of the area circumscribed by the circular ditch.

3. Describe the construction of the trilithons at Stonehenge, including their material and arrangement.

The trilithons were made of silicified sandstone (sarsen) and consisted of three stones: two uprights and one capstone. They were arranged in a giant horseshoe shape, with each upright standing about 8 m above the surface.

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