1. What comparison does Ray Bradbury make between Stonehenge and a fictional Martian city in "The Martian Chronicles"?

Ray Bradbury describes the remnants of an ancient fictional Martian city as "Perfect, faultless, in ruins, yes, but perfect, nonetheless," which he finds compelling and appropriate for Stonehenge as well.

2. How does the caption describe the location of Stonehenge in Figure 9.20?

The caption in Figure 9.20 mentions that Stonehenge was constructed by an early, chiefdom-level society in Great Britain.

3. What is emphasized about Stonehenge in Figure 9.21?

Figure 9.21 emphasizes that Stonehenge is both massive and marvelous, representing a remarkable monument made possible by the development of a society where the labor of many could be commanded by the few.

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