1. What does the term "sexual dimorphism" refer to, and how does it relate to Australopithecus afarensis?

Sexual dimorphism refers to differences in the form and size between the two sexes. In Australopithecus afarensis, sexual dimorphism is evident, with males and females exhibiting a significant size difference, although less than observed in gorillas.

2. According to recent analyses, how did Lucy likely die?

Recent analyses suggest that Lucy likely died from blunt force trauma, sustaining severe "compressive and hinge fractures" consistent with injuries from a fall, possibly from a tree.

3. Describe the physical characteristics of Australopithecus afarensis as revealed by the Hadar specimens.

The Hadar specimens reveal that Australopithecus afarensis individuals were bipedal with longer arms than modern humans. They had hands resembling modern humans but with fingers that curled more like an ape's. Their jaws were a mix of ape and human features, and they had ape-sized brains.

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