1. What is social stratification, and why is it significant in complex civilizations?

Social stratification is a pattern of social integration where individuals are placed into a hierarchy of social levels. In complex civilizations, social stratification defines one's role in life, status, material wealth, and power.

2. How does the passage describe the role of record-keeping in ancient civilizations?

Record-keeping in ancient civilizations involves symbolic systems, often writing, to track economic transactions, historical events, religious rules, etc. It serves as a means for the elite to maintain control and justify their rule.

3. Why does the passage emphasize the connection between monumental works and the characteristics of the state?

Monumental works, such as pyramids and temples, are made possible by the characteristics of the state, including a food surplus, social stratification, a formal government, labor specialization, and record-keeping. These works symbolize the power and legitimacy of the state.

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