1. In what way do modern human beings rely on cultural adaptations for survival, and how is this discussed in the book?

Modern human beings, like their ancient ancestors, rely on cultural adaptations for survival, and this is discussed in detail in the book.

2. What did Darwin observe about animals on islands off the coast of South America, and what significance did he attribute to these observations?

Darwin observed that animals on islands off the coast of South America resembled, but were not identical to, animals on the mainland. Descendants of mainland species on islands seemed to have altered and adapted to different environmental conditions.

3. Why did Darwin find the differences among tortoises and finches on the Galápagos Islands intriguing, and how did it challenge the accepted paradigm of species fixity?

Differences among tortoises and finches on the Galápagos Islands were intriguing to Darwin because they challenged the accepted paradigm of species fixity, suggesting that species could change and adapt over time.

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