An area in which all customs duties and quotas are removed so that when goods are moved from one country to another within the area, there are no such restrictions.
An area in which all customs duties and quotas are removed so that when goods are moved from one country to another within the area, there are no such restrictions. The countries in the area also agree to impose a common level of duty on goods imported from third countries.
An area in which all customs duties and quotas are removed so that when goods are moved from one country to another within the area, there are no such restrictions. The countries in the area also agree to impose a common level of duty on goods imported from third countries and to remove restrictions on the free movement of the factors of production (goods, persons, services and capital) between themselves.
An area in which all customs duties and quotas are removed so that when goods are moved from one country to another within the area, there are no such restrictions. The countries in the area also agree to impose a common level of duty on goods imported from third countries and to remove restrictions on the free movement of the factors of production (goods, persons, services and capital) between themselves. Furthermore the area is characterised by unified monetary and fiscal policies.
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