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Chapter 5 Self Quiz - Fill ins
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Muslims pray and recite the Quran in the _______ language.
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_______ refers to Islamic law as found in the Quran and also means the "right" or "straight" path.
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In Shiah Islam, the _______ serves as both religious and political leader of the community.
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_______ is seen as the prophet who brought the final and complete revelation of God.
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Muhammad is thought to have ascended to heaven into the presence of God from a site in _______.
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The _______ branch of Islam believes that the caliph must be a direct descendent of the Prophet and serve as both religious and political leader of the community.
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Extreme fear and resulting discrimination against Islam and Muslims is called _______.
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The first four successors to Muhammad in Sunni Islam are called _______.
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The _______ branch of Islam believes that the caliph must be a direct descendent of the Prophet and serve as both religious and political leader of the community.
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The Islamic modernist _______ failed to produce a systematic reinterpretation of Islam, creating space for activist organizations to emerge.
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The Quran affirms the _______ birth of Jesus.
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The four official sources of Islamic _______ are the Quran, the Sunnah, qiyas, and ijma.
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Noon prayer is a traditional congregational prayer which takes place in a _______ on Fridays.
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Five times a day in many cities around the world, the
calls Muslims to _______.
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The _______ consists of hundreds of thousands of stories, or
, about Muhammad.
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Islamic mysticism began as a _______ movement.
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Muhammad is said to have received the first revelation on a private street in _______.
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_______ became the most prominent and popular Muslim public figure in America and globally in the twentieth century.
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Muslims believe that the Quran is the _______ of the earlier revelations given to Moses and Jesus.
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A Word Between Us and You
was a(n) _______ to Christians leaders from 138 of the world's Muslim leaders.
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