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Chapter 2 Self Quiz - Fill ins
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Weaving together indigenous religious beliefs and practices with those of outsiders is called _______.
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When humans lived in hunter–gatherer societies, we believe that they regularly sought assistance from the spirits of their ancestors through _______ states of consciousness.
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When humans acquired the capacity to think _______, it changed humanity's destiny forever.
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For most of history, humans have lived in _______ hunter-gatherer tribes.
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The Kung San of southern Africa are one of the most studied and late-surviving _______ groups in the world.
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In most hunter–gatherer cosmogonies, a person's _______ was not seen as unique, but rather as a part of the group.
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In the indigenous worldview _______ was seen as an elevation of one's status to that of sacred ancestor.
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Scientists believe that the Venus figurines were related to concerns about _______ and the survival of children.
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One reason indigenous peoples believed that the dead return to earth in nonmaterial form was because of _______ they had while sleeping.
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Korean shamans are predominantly _______.
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In indigenous societies humans perceived _______ to be like sleep rather than a dissolution of the body.
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The nineteenth-century movement that North American shamans created to try to restore native peoples' place in the world was called the _______.
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The drum or rattle is a universal symbol of the _______ religious practice.
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If _______ in an indigenous community was broken, only the shaman could restore balance.
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In the indigenous worldview, as in many religious traditions, _______ occupy the earth between an upper world of spirits and a netherworld below.
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The belief in hunter–gatherer societies that animals are _______ in disguise may be the earliest example of the phenomenon of the embodiment in earthly form of a spirit or god.
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For indigenous peoples, _______ is never the end of the essential person.
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White shamans refer to _______ who promote shamanic tradition in their businesses
and organizations.
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Before writing, people shared what was known by expressing their memories in _______.
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Shamans across the world are predominantly _______.
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