11. Trustee investment web links
The Law Commission published a Consultation Paper in July 2004 on Capital and Income in Trusts: Classification and Apportionment Law Commission Consultation Paper 175 in which it proposed a new approach to the classification as income or capital of trust receipts and trust expenses in private trusts and a new statutory 'power of allocation' of trust receipts and expenses to income or capital .The Law Commission has since published its final report (Law Commission 315 (6th May 2009)), and the report has been implemented in statute: The Trusts (Capital and Income) Act 2013, which received Royal Assent on 31 January 2013
Nestle v Nat West (1992) CA
L. M. Clements, B.A, LL.M, Lecturer in Law, University of Hull
'Bringing Trusts into the Twenty-First Century'
According to the author "This article looks at the impact of the Trustee Act, 2000 on the law of trusts in the twenty-first century and addresses the issue of whether the law of trusts has been brought sufficiently up-to-date to enable it to cope with the challenges it now faces. The article discusses the reasons behind the introduction of the Trustee Act, 2000 and critically examines the changes that have been made to the law of trusts as a result of its introduction. The Article also assesses the impact of the legislation in the light of post - 2000 Act economic experience and focuses in particular on the effect of the legislation in the specific contexts of Investment, Remuneration of Trustees and the Exclusion of Liability of Professional Trustees."
The website of the World Gold Council
R Twigger Inflation: The Value of the Pound 1750-1998 Research paper 99/20 23 February 1999 (Economic Policy and Statistics Section House of Commons Library).