
When we forget information accidentally, it is called _________, but when information is forgotten on purpose it is called ____________.

_____________ is the sin of memory where a person has the information available but not accessible at the time of attempted recall.

The sin of memory where an embarrassing or painful memory continues to be recalled is __________.

__________ occurs when previously learned information makes it harder to learn new material while ________ occurs when learning new information makes it harder to recall previously learned material.

In order to keep episodic events separate, the hippocampus uses a process called _________ whereby distinct neural codes are used for distinct events.

The process by which memories are consolidated is called __________.

The forgetting curve nicely reflects ________ which states that for memories of similar strength, older memories will decay more slowly than newer ones.

Humans engage in __________, that is, encoding all elements of events just in case they may need them in the future.

In the 1990s, research revealed that new neurons develop continually in the brain especially in the hippocampus in a process called _________.

The term used to describe when a cell loses its ability to create an action potential is __________.

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