Long-Term Memory

The persistent strengthening of a synapse based on recent patterns of neural activity is called ________.

In a connection between two neurons, the cell that receives the activation is the ________.

Research that has compared fMRI signal data during encoding and retrieval used a method known as ________.

In a connection between two neurons, the cell that creates the activation is the ________.

Repeated high-frequency stimulations of a single neuron is called ________.

The theory that proposes that generic, context-free memories are formed from numerous episodic representations of similar memories is called ________.

Researchers measure the electrical activity in the brain with a(n) ________ to observe what stages of sleep people are experiencing.

The most prevalent neurotransmitter in the brain is ________.

Researchers often used the ________ task to test the role of the hippocampus in the formation of long-term memories. In this task, animal subjects were rewarded when they chose a stimulus that was different than the stimulus in the previous trial.

A(n) ________ is the internal representation of the spatial relationship among objects in the environment.

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