Short-Term Memory and Working Memory

The area of the brain associated with attentional control and includes the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the inferior parietal cortex, and the anterior cingulate is called the ________.

The number of words a person can recall is directly related to how long it takes to pronounce those words. This is called the ________.

In Broadbent’s model, ________ encompasses two subsystems: the S-system and the P-system.

The ________ is an alternative model of working memory that suggests that when information from LTM becomes the focus of attention it is retrieved into our conscious awareness.

The term ________ is used when a person is manipulating information in some way while retaining it.

Baddeley (2000) revised the original model of working memory primarily by adding a new component named the ________.

The ________ was designed to determine the rate at which information decays from a short-term memory store.

Material in Broadbent’s (1958) ________ is maintained in a speech-like code.

According to the ________, the primacy and recency effects support the notion of two distinct memory systems.

The area of the brain known for language production and the articulatory rehearsal in the phonological loop is called ________.

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