Exceptional Memory, Mnemonics, and Expertise

The ______ principle asserts that memory will be better if the to-be-learned material is tied to knowledge already in long-term memory.

The _____ principle asserts that recalling will be easier if the information is associated with retrieval cues.

The memory palace method is also known as the ________.

In a text written in the first century BCE, the unknown author describes two types of memory: _______ (the type that is embedded in our minds and cannot be strengthened) and ________ (the type that is a product of art and can be strengthened).

________ is a model that asserts that specific memory techniques can lead to greater memory capacity.

The _______ is active when a person is at rest and inactive when a person is engaged in goal-directed behaviour.

The _______ principle asserts that as people gain more experience with encoding, they will be able to learn more information in less time.

The finding that repeated memory retrieval produces better retention than re-reading the same information for an equivalent amount of time is called ________.

A _________ is an individual who memorizes the digits of pi.

The __________ is the phenomenon where material is better recalled when there are intervening items between two presentations of the material than if it was presented back to back.

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